Monday, September 10, 2007

Getting lost in the season

Some of you may wonder if I fell off the face of the earth! Nope, just got involved in the biking season and sort of only took time to check on things for a very short time each day. With the biking season coming to a close, I'm back at it a little bit. Not saying I'm going to be back as much as I once was, but will try to check in and post an update as often as I can. It seems that I have once again bit the bullet and will be possibly holding a regional officers position for Region 7 of ABATE. For those who are wondering what in the world ABATE is.... it is an acronym for American Bikers Aimed Toward Education. I've been involved in it for a number of years, just not too active for the last few. Well, I guess you could say I jumped in with both feet first. It all started when a very good childhood friend lost his daughter in a mindless shooting that not only killed her but the man whom shot her. Bikers are a very giving type, and with the first benefit that was held a little over 2 weeks ago, quite a bit of money was raised for her young son's college education. There will be one more benefit held this month for this college fund. Starting next year the event will be an annual thing with the proceeds going into a fund to assist battered and abused women. The idea is to have the monies available so that they are able to move out on their own instead of into a shelter. A lot of women don't want to move into a situation where they know no one and don't feel comfortable. What a great rememberance for a young girl who lost her life due to abuse, leaving behind a young boy without his mother!
Well, enough for this morning, I'm getting ready to get on the roll once again, and need to get moving. Hope everyone has a wonderful week! Once this warmer weather has calmed down a bit, then I'll try to get back to some sewing and quilting. I've got some other major projects in the works that require my attention first and foremost, then life just may get back in order!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Fat Eights

Ever wonder what to do with half of a fat quarter? or Wonder what it was? Well, a little bit of information for those who don't know. A fat eighth is half of a fat quarter. A fat quarter is actually a piece of fabric 9" x 11". A fat eighth is a piece that is cut in half from that. I signed up for a challenge using fat 8ths and it has been great! I received 4 fat 8ths from four other participants, I signed up for 2 groups so I actually got 8 of them! I had to come up with patterns to use, and fabric from my stash to make 12 inch blocks to return to them. It was a great learning experience! I had a blast and it was so much fun!
First Fat 8th group All Paper Pieced Patterns from Carol Doak
Second Fat 8th Group all Paper Pieced Patterns from Carol Doak

It's amazing what a little bit of time and imagination can bring forth!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Crazy Days aren't always Mondays!

Yep! You heard me right! I know it's not Monday, but have you ever felt like all the days in a week were Monday? This week feels like every morning that I've woke up has been a Monday. The longer the day has gone, the more it has felt like a Monday. By the time the day has ended, it sure has felt like the next day should be Tuesday, or even maybe Sunday. I wake in the morning, knowing full well what day it is, and have a sense of deja vu that I'm starting all over again!

Ever have days like that? I've felt this week has gone round in circles, back and forth round and round again! I can't seem to get anything done. I started the week with 3 hours in a doctors office, have gained some ground since then, but...the rest of the things that normally happen in the day, have repeated and repeated all week long. No matter what I've tried to do to change them, they keep on keeping on! I'm still trying to figure out what part of "NO" others don't understand. What I wouldn't give for about 3 weeks of being able to do nothing but sit and sew, cut and sew, cut and sew, I could get many things accomplished, started and finished that I want to. Do you think that will ever happen?? I'm really wondering if it will in this lifetime.. and if it does what I'm going to have to do to make it happen!

I'm seriously considering escaping to Timbuktu, or another place like that. Maybe an exotic island someplace uninhabited by anyone under the age of 30? The occasional visitor under this age would be great, but not more than once a month, or maybe once a year! Two legged mammals under this age definitely inhibit the creative processes! Make me think irrationally, now... I can't honestly say that... I don't need an irrational thought process to spend irrational amounts on fabric, or anything else for that matter!

I have been trying very hard to get my granddaughter's lovely quilt finished for her birthday. It's beautiful, she knows its hers, how she knows this I will never know. She's not old enough to realize this! But she takes it when I'm not looking and covers up with the top! Her antics are what is making it hard to get anything done. She has now figured out that any scrap piece of fabric, or larger can be used to cover herself, the dog, the cat or her doll baby up. So I am constanty hunting down the last piece that I know I had for the last block I am working on! oops... where was she last... I know that is where that fabric went to!

The Center of my granddaughter's Quilt

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Saving My Sanity

This past few weeks have been ones of total chaos and insanity! I have tried everything I could think of to gain a little ground to keep going on an even keel. I wanted a to maintain a tad bit of sanity in an otherwise insane environment! It suddenly dawned on me that I had all of the tools at my fingertips. I had been through enough Psychology classes and done enough studies in college to know that what I needed most was a few minutes of meditation now and again to keep the peace I so desperately needed!
In thinking on this, I often have a minute or two of quite time. Well, once in a while anyway! So what made me think I couldn't relax in that short amount of time? I had gotten caught up in the chaos at hand and just couldn't get off the merry-go-round! There was a way I could recollect my thoughts and bring myself back into a calm state of being with only a short time frame! I just hadn't thought hard enough and remembered all of the things I had learned in college!
1. If I sat in a place where I was alone, with nothing blocking me, nothing that could destract me from the goal at hand I could accomplish what I needed to do. I needed to sit without my legs crossed, outstretched, with my hands resting on my legs. As relaxed as possible.
2. I needed to become aware of my body, from my toes to my head. Wriggling my body starting from the tips of my toes, and progressing upwards towards my head. Moving each body part, gently, relaxingly.
3. Closing my eyes, breathing deeply and gently. Relaxing as I breath, feeling the air that I breath traveling into my body, to all the parts of my body, reaching deep down to my toes, my legs and feet, my fingertips and the ends of each hair on my head. Thinking that the air is a way of cleansing the tension from my body, taking away the stress, helping me to relax.
4. As the air goes out of my body, I think of all the stress going out with it, seeing it as a black shapeless image leaving my stressfree body. I take another deep breath in and relax.
I can do this as often as I need to throughout the day. Any spare moment that I have can be used to relieve the stress that I have allowed to build up from the demands that I have allowed to be put on me! I do this alot, I have a very hard time saying NO to anyone, including my family. I love them very much and just can't say no, even when I know that it is unhealthy, and irresponsible on my part and theirs. I've also found that certain types of music as well as listening to books on audio are a great form of relaxation for me. I can listen to a book and sew or quilt to my hearts content and get more done in a days time than I normally would. So look out library! I've found a new outlet for my bottled up stress! and heaven help the checkbook if I use up my stash!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

A Thought to Ponder

"It is remarkable to know that every creature
has the chance to go from forgotten to beloved
if the right open heart comes along."
~Samarra Khaja

This is really something to make you think. Everyone should be able to open there heart so that others feel loved and that they aren't forgotten in one way or another. It's sad when people have to feel like they don't belong or have been forgotten. What is even sadder is that family makes them feel this way.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Drive... The series on Fox

If anyone watched the newest edition on Fox titled "Drive" they are probably very disappointed right about now! Fox in their brilliant decision making processes have decided to axe this wonderfully exciting, interesting show! You can find out more information about it at . While there you can view the past shows, check out the list of characters, the plot of the show, the map they are following and all of the other interesting areas of the show. You can also read the view of the shows followers on the brilliant move of Fox on axing the show and why they believe it should be brought back! Such an awesome show that interests both young and old! It has such excitement and drama, that can interest all. Please check it out. It is one of the first series that has actually interested my husband and I both for the entire series. It's not a reality series, not a crime series, and not a comedy/family life series such as the Simpsons, King of the Hill, or the like.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Is Anybody Out There? Does Anybody Care?

There is a song out old one called "Is There Anybody Listening?" by Queensryche. I've heard it quite a bit in the last couple of weeks. Ever have days when you wonder if there's anyone really listening? If anyone really cares? Part of the song says...."Is there anybody out there, is there anybody listening, does anyone even care?" That part has always made me think.....ever since the song came out it has been one of my favorites. Main reason for it... it's very thought provoking... makes you really think about what's going on around you....

You could be surrounded by a huge crowd of people....and there may not be a single person in the crowd who knows your face, your name or anything about you. In crowds of thousands you can still feel alone, still feel that no one even cares. It really bothers me that this world has come to that today. It bothers me even more so when you think that some of those folks can be your friends and/or family. They let the days, hours, weeks, months and years go by and loose touch with anyone who might even care, until it's too late. Then they wonder why? How did this happen? Why did it happen? When did I allow it to happen?

"In this sea of faces,

All are going to separate places.

None stop to wonder,

Who is out there?

This sea of faces

Is filled with emotions.

Still none stop to wonder

Why is anyone out there?

Faces in the sea,

Does anybody even look at me?

Do they even listen, do they even care?

This sea of faces is void of emotions.

Thinking throughout the years, there have been many times I've felt like this. Wondering if there really was anyone out there that really cared. Days are better now. My heart and soul knows I don't need someone or something to make me complete. I can do it on my own with the help of a greater being, it can be done.

A Quote that speaks to my heart and soul

A quote that speaks to my heart and soul, I'm not sure of the author, but believe it to be Marilyn Monroe. "It was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart, It was not my lips you kissed but my soul.... "

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Stress or is it DESSERTS??
This has been one heck of a couple of days! Between not feeling good, lots of pain, changing weather, tornadoes and storms, and unfeeling, rude kids, I'm not sure which end is up! At this point, I'm not sure I even want to know! I had such high hopes of being able to accomplish things this week, and all I've been able to accomplish is spending time sleeping, or in the emergency room! Not a fun way to spend my time! I would much rather spend it creatively, or even cleaning! I'm still working on spring cleaning, it seems like I've been doing that forever! Maybe I have, I know it has been at least a month, but then it takes me longer to do things than most. but.... hopefully once my medicine kicks in I can get back in the swing of things and get on with life and get things back in order and get back to being creative once again! I have a sew date coming up and plan on making full use of the day! woo hoo a day to do nothing but sew sew and more sewing!! yippeee!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

From my dear Friend Aria

I would like to suggest a very *SIMPLE* thing we can all do for Fibromyalgia Awareness Day this year, on May 12, 2007 (Saturday).
Below is a collection of articles. Simply forward this info to friends and family. Here's a list of the articles--
*1. "My Name is Fibromyalgia"* by Terri Been - a short, interesting and "classic" piece on fibromyalgia - most people will read it all the way through. I have added one sentence at the very end...YOU WILL SEE IT THERE.
*2. An article about the symptoms of CFIDS/M.E.* - very articulate and true.
*3. A poem sent in by a newsletter reader today* - many of us will relate to her struggles.
*4. Dominie's FMS/CFIDs Homepage - visit for more information.By sending all or some of these articles on or before May 12, each of us will be helping to increase FMS/CFIDS/M.E. awareness.
Pick your subject(s) - 1, 2, 3 and/or 4. Then cut and paste them into an email for friends and family, neighbors, newspapers, government officials, talk show hosts, etc. You may want to add a few of your own words like, "Just wanted you to know what I deal with everyday...." or something like that. * (I do not recommend sending this email to employers or co-workers unless you will be leaving your job soon, or if they already know about your situation and are very supportive. We have all had a "caschectomy" and don't need a "jobectomy" too!!) *In the subject line of your email, you might want to put something like: "In honor of Fibromyalgia Awareness Day," or "What I am dealing with." Please let me know if any of this brings about some positive or enlightened feedback.Dominie Soo Bush
*1. My Name is Fibromyalgia*by Terri Been Hi....My Name is Fibromyalgia, and I'm an Invisible Chronic Illness. Iam now velcroed to you for life. Others around you can't see me or hear me,but YOUR body feels me. I can attack you anywhere and anyhow I please.I can cause severe pain or, if I'm in a good mood, I can just cause you toache all over. Remember when you and Energy ran around together and had fun? I took Energy from you, and gave you Exhaustion. Try to have fun now! I also took Good Sleep from you and, in its place, gave you Brain Fog. I canmake you tremble internally or make you feel cold or hot when everyone else feels normal. Oh, yeah, I can make you feel anxious or depressed, too. If you have something planned, or are looking forward to a great day, I can take that away, too. You didn't ask for me. I chose you for various reasons: That virus you had that you never recovered from, or that car accident,or maybe it was the years of abuse and trauma. Well, anyway, I'm here to stay!I hear you're going to see a doctor who can get rid of me. I'm rolling on the floor, laughing. Just try. You will have to go to many, many doctors until you find one who can help you effectively. You will be put on pain pills, sleeping pills, energy pills, told you are suffering from anxiety or depression, given a TENs unit, get massaged, told if you just sleep and exercise properly I will go away, told to think positively, poked, prodded, and MOST OF ALL, not taken as seriously as you feel when you cry to the doctor how debilitating life is every day. Your family, friends and coworkers will all listen to you until theyjust get tired of hearing about how I make you feel, and that I'm a debilitating disease. Some of they will say things like "Oh, you are just having a bad day" or "Well, remember, you can't do the things you use to do 20 YEARS ago", not hearing that you said 20 DAYS ago. Some will just start talking behind your back, while you slowly feel that you are losing your dignity trying to make them understand, especially when you are in the middle of a conversation with a "Normal" person, and can't remember what you were going to say next! In closing, (I was hoping that I kept this part a secret), but I guess you already found out...the ONLY place you will get any support and understanding in dealing with me is with Other People With Fibromyalgia....(or if you are fortunate enough to have an understanding spouse, friend or family member).*
**2. What is CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) or M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, as it is called outside the U.S.)? **/Scroll down to read the words I have highlighted in RED--/**What is M.E.? The shorter 'cheat sheet' version** ****.*© Jodi Bassett, 2004 (updated January 2006)Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/ICD-CFS*) is a debilitating acquired illness which has been recognised by the World Health Organisation (WHO) since 1969 as *an organic neurological disorder*. ME/ICD-CFS can occur in both epidemic and sporadic forms and appears to be remarkably similar to post-polio syndrome (an enteroviral triggered disorder). ME/ICD-CFS can be extremely severe and in some cases the illness is fatal. Is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis a new/modern psychological illness? No. The illness has been documented as an organic (physical) neurological disease for centuries. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis has nothing to do with fatigue? If you are tired all the time, you do not have M.E. *ME/ICD-CFS is a neurological illness of extraordinarily incapacitating dimensions that affects virtually every bodily system not a problem of chronic fatigue. *Well why is it also sometimes called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome then? This new name and case definition for the illness were created in the US by a board of 18 members, few of which had either looked at an epidemic of the illness or examined any patients with the illness. Why? Money. There was an enormous rise in the incidence of M.E. outbreaks in the late 1970?s and the 1980?s and so it was at this time that certain psychiatrists and others involved in the medical insurance industry (on both sides of the Atlantic) began their campaign to reclassify the severely incapacitating and discrete neurological disorder known since 1956 as M.E. as a psychological or ?personality? disorder in order to side-step the financial responsibility of so many new claims. As Professor Malcolm Hooper explains: A political decision was taken to rename M.E. as "chronic fatigue syndrome", the cardinal feature of which was to be chronic or on going "fatigue", a symptom so universal that any insurance claim based on "tiredness" could be expediently denied. The new case definition bore little relation to M.E.: objections were raised by experienced international clinicians and medical scientists, but all objections were ignored. Public, medical and governmental understanding and acceptance of the illness is huge mess, that is for certain but it is not an accidental mess, that is for certain too. *Note: A new term, ME/ICD-CFS, is used by some to differentiate between the many different definitions of CFS which have been created by such vested interest groups; to make it clear that it is ONLY neurological Myalgic Encephalomyelitis which is being discussed (as well as M.E. equivalent CFS as per the WHO?s International Classification of Diseases listing) and not any variation of fatiguing illnesses? which bear no relation to true neurological Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. What is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis? What is its symptomatology? M.E. is characterised primarily by *damage to the central nervous system (the brain) which results in dysfunctions and damage to many of the bodys vital systems and a loss of normal internal homeostasis.* Therefore, although Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is primarily neurological, symptoms may be manifested by: *cognitive, cardiac, cardiovascular, immunological, endocrinological, respiratory, hormonal, gastrointestinal and musculo-skeletal dysfunctions and damage. More than 64 distinct symptoms have been authentically documented in M.E. Symptoms are also caused by a loss of normal internal homeostasis; the body becomes unable to make all the appropriate physiological adjustments that allow it to maintain homeostatic equilibrium in response to the changes to the internal and external environment that are part of everyday life. The body/brain no longer responds appropriately to homeostatic pressures, including (to varying extents): physical activity, cognitive exertion, sensory input, orthostatic stress, emotional stress and infectious stress. Symptoms include: *Sore throat, chills, sweats, low body temperature, low grade fever, lymphadenopathy, muscle weakness (or paralysis), muscle pain, muscle twitches or spasms, hair loss, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, cardiac arrhythmia, orthostatic tachycardia, orthostatic fainting or faintness, photophobia and other visual and neurological disturbances, hyperacuity, alcohol intolerance, gastrointestinal and digestive disturbances, allergies and sensitivities to many previously well-tolerated foods, drug sensitivities, stroke-like episodes, nystagmus, difficulty swallowing,, myoclonus, temporal lobe and other types of seizures, an inability to maintain consciousness for more than short periods at a time breathing difficulties, emotional lability and sleep disorders. Cognitive dysfunction may be pronounced and may include; difficulty or an inability to speak (or understand speech), to read, write or to do basic mathematics; as well as problems with memory including; difficulty making new memories and recalling formed memories and difficulties with visual and verbal recall. *What does cause Myalgic Encephalomyelitis? Are there outbreaks? There is a history of recorded outbreaks going back to 1934, a review of early outbreaks found that clinical symptoms were consistent in over 60 recorded epidemics of M.E. spread all over the world. M.E. is an acutely acquired neurological illness (with systemic effects) initiated by a virus infection. This point of view is supported by history, incidence, symptoms, similarities with other viral illnesses and a large body of medical research. So what do we know about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis so far? There is an abundance of research which shows that M.E. is an organic illness which can have profound effects on many bodily systems. Many aspects of the pathophysiology of the disease have, indeed, been medically explained in volumes of research articles. Nearly 1000 good articles now support the basic premises of M.E. Whilst it is true that there is as yet no single laboratory test which can diagnose M.E., there are a specific series of tests which enable a suspected M.E. diagnosis to be easily confirmed (MRI and SPECT scans of the brain for example). Various abnormalities are also visible on physical exam.Some of the abnormalities found in ME/ICD-CFS patients include: *extremely low blood volume (up to an astounding 50%), enzyme pathway disruptions, punctate lesions in ME/ICD-CFS brains resembling those of Multiple Sclerosis patients, sub-optimal cardiac function and abnormal cardiovascular responses, persistent viral infection in the heart, severe mitochondrial defects and significantly reduced lung functioning. *Strong evidence also exists to show that *exercise can have extremely harmful effects on ME/ICD-CFS patients in many different bodily systems; permanent damage may be caused, as well as disease progression. This is why the exercise programs being recommended? or sometimes forced on M.E. patients (including young children) to treat their supposed chronic fatigue are so dangerous and harmful as to amount to legalised torture. Patient accounts of leaving exercise programs much more severely ill than when they began them (wheelchair-bound or bed-bound or needing intensive care) are common and the damage caused often seems to be severe and either long-term or permanent. Sudden deaths have also been reported in M.E. patients following exercise.How common is Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and who gets it ME/ICD-CFS is a worldwide epidemic of devastating proportions. It is around three times more common then Multiple Sclerosis, it is also more common than lung cancer, breast cancer, or HIV (in women) with an estimated *2 million sufferers in the US, 250,000 sufferers in the UK and many more worldwide. ME/ICD-CFS affects young children, teenagers and adults, all races and socio-economic groups, and has been diagnosed all over the world. Recovery from and severity of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis ME/ICD-CFS can be progressive, degenerative (change of tissue to a lower or less functioning form, as in heart failure), chronic, or relapsing and remitting. It can also be fatal. Patients who are given advice to rest in the early stages of the illness (and who avoid overexertion thereafter) have repeatedly been shown to have the most positive long-term prognosis. ME/ICD-CFS is a life-long disability where relapse is always possible. Symptoms are extremely severe for around 30% of sufferers (leaving many of them housebound and bedbound). As Dr. Paul Cheney explains: "The worst cases have both an MS-like and an AIDS-like clinical appearance. *We admit regularly to hospital with an inability to care for self. "M.E. specialist Dr Dan Peterson found that: ME/ICD-CFS patients experienced greater "functional severity" than the studied patients with heart disease, virtually all types of cancer, and all other chronic illnesses. An unrelated study compared the quality of life of people with various illnesses, including patients undergoing chemotherapy or haemodialysis, as well as those with HIV, liver transplants, coronary artery disease, and other ailments, and again found that M.E. patients scored the lowest. "In other words", said Dr Leonard Jason in an interview, "this disease, this syndrome, is actually more debilitating than just about any other medical problem in the world. "Truly ME/ICD-CFS can be *one of the most debilitating and horrific illness there is, yet many with ME/ICD-CFS are subject to repeated medical abuse and neglect and are also forced to deal with extremely severe illness without the support of friends, family or the wider community or medical or government services (and indeed often they suffer abuse at the hands of these as well) because of the way the illness has been dishonestly ?marketed? to the public as being psychological or behavioural, or as being a problem of mere ?fatigue.? *PLEASE help to spread the truth about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. This appalling abuse and neglect of so many severely ill people on such an industrial scale is inhuman, and has already gone on for far too long. See for more information about all aspects of ME/ICD-CFS and for references.

This is a poem I wrote about how I'm feeling today, which isn't good...

I tremble.........
why can't I pour myself a glass of milk?
a simple task
but yet
it feels like I am moving mountains
after several attempts
and making a mess of things
I give up..........a simple task

I walk.........just a few steps to the bathroom exhaust
meI sit there for 20 minutes to
my body aches and is exhausted
just to walk these few steps
a simple task

I plan the day out
I am going to clean
invite a friend over for coffee
cook supper
who am I kidding....

such simple tasks

washing my hair and bathing is a full day for me
cleaning the bathroom never gets done
I have to stop in the middle
and recuperate
a simple task

Dear Lord
when will I see the sun again
the wind against my back
birds flying in formation

I could take a walk
but who would help me
when I am so weak I cant get up
how will I get back home?
a simple task

I think I will lie down and rest a bit
just the fantasies of being normal
wear me out
maybe tomorrow I can do just one
simple task

*4. Dominie's FMS/CFIDS/M.E. Hompage * m has many helpful and supportive articles for people suffering with *neuro-endocrine-immune disorders*. Dominie was diagnosed in 1982 and since 1996 has maintained a health website for other sufferers. She writes a free weekly newsletter of encouragement and information, which can be requested from her site or by writing to Dominie at Recent back issues of the newsletter can be found at You can also search the site for specific topics.

For those of you who don't know I suffer from this horrible disability, along with degenerative disk disease, and a few bulging disk, and a variety of other things. So when I get to quilt it is a great thing!

Top 25 Things Mother's Teach Children

This Our Mother's Teach the Kids!

1 . My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE "If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning"

2. My mother taught me RELIGION. "You better pray that will come out of the carpet."

3. My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL. "If you don't straighten up, I' m going to knock you into the middle of nextweek!"

4. My mother taught me LOGIC. " Because I said so, that's why."

5. My mother taught me MORE LOGIC. "If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to thestore with me."

6. My mother taught me FORESIGHT. "Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident."

7. My mother taught me IRONY. "Keep crying, and I'll give you something to cry about."

8. My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS . "Shut your mouth and eat your supper."

9. My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM. "Will you look at that dirt on the back of your neck!"

10. My mother taught me about STAMINA . "You'll sit there until all that spinach is gone."

11. My mother taught me about WEATHER. "This room of yours looks as if a tornado went through it."

12. My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY. "If I told you once, I've told you a million times. Don't exaggerate!"

13. My mother taught me the CIRCLE OF LIFE. "I brought you into this world, and I can take you out."

14. My mother taught me about BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION. "Stop acting like your father!" 15. My mother taught me about ENVY. "There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't havewonderful parents like you do."

16. My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION. "Just wait until we get home."

17. My mother taught me about RECEIVING. "You are going to get it when you get home!"

18. My mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE. "If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to get stuck that way.

19 My mother taught me ESP. "Put your sweater on; don't you think I know when you are cold?"

20. My mother taught me HUMOR. "When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me."

21. My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN ADULT. "If you don't eat your vegetables , you'll never grow up."

22. My mother taught me GENETICS. "You're just like your father."

23. My mother taught me about my ROOTS. "Shut that door behind you. Do you think you were born in a barn?"

24. My mother taught me WISDOM. "When you get to be my age, you'll understand."

25. And my favorite: My mother taught me about JUSTICE. "One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you" (This has to be my favorite. It has been said by me more times that I can count. And my oldest daughter has one just like her! So it must be true!)

My granddaughter Mercedes at Christmas in 2006. She is now almost 2, she's already been fabric shopping with me and likes to try to help me when I'm planning a quilt, or doing other crafts. She also likes to arrange and rearrange the pieces for me! If that isn't a quilt designer in the making! Thankfully she's not been around when I've been making soap or other things like that! I would hate to see what sort of scents we would end up with! She's not figured out yet how to get herself to my counters, as I don't have much counterspace. She can't help make cookies or the like and help add ingredients!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Fabric Shopping, Soap Making and Spring

Oh my! Who would have ever thought that taking an almost 2 yr old to the fabric store could be so much fun??? Miss Mercedes and I went fabric shopping this afternoon. For those of you who don't know she is my granddaughter! and boy is she! Every possible combination of pinks and purples she could lay her fingers on went in the basket! Girl after my own heart! but yep she got mad when I put some of them back... but she got over it when they were out of sight out of mind... so then we went on to other parts of the store, and she was definitely determind that I needed one of almost everything... well we finally got out of the store... without spending the Kings Ransom... I'm sure grandpa will be happy to hear that! So, Mercedes is safely tucked back at home, at least for today, I've had the day basically for the most part for myself, and have been happily reading past issues of Quilter's Home magazine. Thanks Toby! and way to go Mark! It's one great magazine! Keep up the good work!! Keep it on the stands and we'll keep buying it!
So many ideas so little time!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Empowering your mind, yourself, and giving yourself some much needed inspiration

I love Maya Angelou and for anyone that is feeling down, read this poem and be empowered by it.


You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?'
Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard'
Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?
Out of the huts of history's shame - I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain - I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear - I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear - I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies
I'm not cute or built to suit a model's fashion size
But when I start to tell them
They think I'm telling lies.
I say
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips
The stride of my steps
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman
That's me.

I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please
And to a man
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees
Then they swarm around me
A hive of honey bees.
I say
It's the fire in my eyes
And the flash of my teeth
The swing of my waist
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman
That's me.

Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say
It's in the arch of my back
The sun of my smile
The ride of my breasts
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman
That's me.

Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say
It's in the click of my heels
The bend of my hair
The palm of my hand
The need for my care.
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman
That's me.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Plaids, Spring, and Creative Inspiration

Ever sit and ponder what you are going to do with something that you just know you have to do something with? You have the right fabrics to match.. you just aren't sure what to do with it?? One just isn't what you are used to working with?? It's such a beautiful fabric, you're not sure you can do it justice? It is so out of your comfort zone you aren't sure exactly what in the wild world to precisely do?
I had such a piece of fabric today. It is such a vibrant piece. Bright yellows, reds, oranges, and blues woven together in a rainbow basketweave of plaids. I just wasn't sure what to do with it. I sat and stared at it! After longer, more careful examination of it, I realized that the colors almost matched the rainbow itself! It reminded me of spring, and Easter! wow what a wonderful thought! It brought to mind all those wonderful things that you think of when thinking of spring. Crocus', Buttercups, Easter Eggs, Easter Bunnies, Tulips, all the beautiful flowers that bloom at that time of the year! what an awesome idea! wow even tired brains do work!
So off to the drawing board I went! Hopefully all of my projects this week are this easy! Will let you know how the project progresses! Hope all your day has been a bright one and all of your points and seams match!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Monday April 30, 2007

This is the Center of one of my Bible quilts that are in progress. This one is not a very good picture but it is burgandy, mauve, teal, off white, greens, and pinks. It is a tree of life set on point. It is just another of my projects that are on my to do list that I hope to get working on and possibly get to finish before the end of the year.... note the possibly... the list is long, and getting longer every day!! I have another Bible quilt in progress that is based on the women of the bible and one that is on the back burner based on the book of Psalms. Eventually they all will get done!
I'm finding that the quilting has become a great stress reliever for me. I've also picked back up on crochet. It's a matter of finding something to keep me relaxed and able to lay back and take it easy! Not something I do well. It has helped to find a fun group of online friends that make me laugh.. thanks to Mark and his posse of Quilters Home! You can find them at Yahoo groups! They are awesome, and boy do they make you laugh! Mark's magazine is so awesome too... such wit and so much quilting inspiration!
Today has been one of those days that there hasn't been enough hours in the day! If I could have just added another 10 or so I would have been so much happier. I could have found time to relax, kick back and get some housework accomplished, as well as all of the other normal things that go along with "my" daily life. The dr visits stink, as well as the other things that go along with it! I would much rather stay at home and craft, crochet and quilt! Not to mention the fact that it is getting sort of warm here that you can actually get outside and do something!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Spring Fever

Boy, it's been like spring here the last couple of days after a weekend of snow! and what am I doing? cleaning, rearranging, throwing things out and trying to sew, and quilt, all at the same time, as well as chase my almost 2 yr old granddaughter around! now am I crazy or what? that's not taking into account the laundry or the other household normals that have to be done... and my oldest daughter came in and said but mom... you had one room clean... and its a mess again!! well, ummm I've got about 4 boxes of books, and another 4 boxes of fabric in there... its the dining room/sewing room and I've been trying to sew, and need to find bookcases that will fit in the spaces I have to put them in.... so let's see... until that happens I guess the boxes will either stay where they are... the books that is... or I'll have to rearrange the one closet so they will fit in there! but that means someone has to be here to help move the boxes in the closet and then help put the book boxes in the closet, and I don't forsee that happening any time in the near future!
So I guess one room will just have to have boxes for the time being! I can live with it and hubby can live with it, and since they don't live here they can deal with it! if not they don't need to come visit til they are put away.... see I'm not always a push over Betty!
Today has been a great day to get things done... now I can't wait for the granddaughter to go home so I can get more sewing and quilting done! I'm on a roll that I don't want to stop!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Empty Nest Syndrome-Are you nuts?

If anyone would have told me I would miss my kids I would have told them they were crazy! There are days I really and truthfully do.... and then there are days when I'd really love to throttle them all.... today was a day that only one would have gotten throttled.... at about 4 am when she woke me up trying to get on the computer that she broke!!!! she couldn't understand why it was password protected so she couldn't get online for started... ummm lets see... I can count about 150 of them.... they are called viruses, malware, adware, and trojans.... but she doesn't go anywhere that she can get them... even tho the history on her account says otherwise! go figure.... anyone that can prove to me that all blonde aren't this dumb plz stand up!!! sorry, I'm not dumbing down anyone... this one just doesn't have any common sense and doesn't listen to anyone... she thinks she is always right... if you told her the earth was round she'd be determined to prove to you it was a rectangle and made of ice cream! :D HONESTLY!

I can honestly say that I don't suffer most days from empty nest syndrome... how can I? they are either here asking me to do their laundry, to baby sit or use the computer! its not like they don't have instant messenger of one sort or another on their cell phones.... or have access to the library... its the fact that they think everyone stays up all night like them... not!!! at least not this household... life is too short to miss the daytime! I have too many other things in life I'd much rather enjoy than seeing the darkness!

I've been printing pp patterns off left and right, got a few blocks completed, a few pieces of fabric cut, working on spring cleaning, and laundry something that is a never ending process here, if its not ours its theirs.. or fabric of course.... which I was almost as much as our laundry... great thing to have to clean! well guess I'd best get back to working, I want to work on the quilt that I'm hand quilting since I've not had much chance to piece anything today...

hope everyone has had a great beginning of the week, I know some have had rain and snow, I know its been nasty!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Getting Creative!!

Boy, guess when I light a fire under myself I really light a fire! I've got one quilt sandwhiched and working on handquilting it, made templates for another, cut the pieces, and have it almost completely handpieced, and have another paperpiece pattern printed and am working on picking out the fabrics for it, have printed out paperpiece patterns for my granddaughter's quilt top border, for her name, and will work on that this next week, I've got fabric to cut yet tonite so I can mail it tomorrow morning, and have been to the quilt shop today! Was a slight disappointment as I was also looking for Quilter's Home Magazine and the shop no longer carries magazines. I was really really disappointed, as this magazine is normally only sold in shops and this is the closest shop to me! So I guess when it comes to buying magazines I'll have to shop at another LQS when I find one near me! that part of my business they have lost! which is a shame because I purchase a lot of magazines!

About me

Well, what can I say? I've been a quilter for over 20 yrs.. I'm a mom to 3 sometimes wonderful kids.. note the sometimes... right now they aren't so wonderful... they think I'm the bank of mom at the moment and I keep telling them the bank of mom has closed and is on the verge of foreclosing on them! they don't seem to get it! what kid does? They are 32, 29, and 28, and I've 6 beautiful grandchildren.  A granddaughter -Mercedes who's 10, a granddaughter -Amyrah who's 7, a grandson -Hunter who's an angel in heaven watching ovef us whk would have been 5 in August, a granddaughter -Alayja who's t, a grandson -Chase who is 4 and a granddaughter - Mari'ana who's 3 months. I've been adjusting to single life since the beginning of January of 2008.  It's been a difficult transformation.

My gran taught me to quilt a long long time ago (I must of been about 6 or 7 maybe younger), when I was at the point of.... why in the world would any one 'want' to make their own blankets or quilts when you can go and buy them? She also taught me to make my own clothing... of which I was eternally greatful for! Go figure! That one made sense to me! At least I didn't have to wear clothing that looked like every other teenage girl in school... I could be individual! that I thought was great! I am ever so greatful that she taught me to do these things. If she would have left it to my mom to teach me I never would have learned! Mamma never did much sewing past the occasional patching of holes we made or darning of socks.

Well, guess by now you've gotten bored, and I'm ready to start back to piecing some blocks, so until next time!