Monday, April 16, 2007

Empty Nest Syndrome-Are you nuts?

If anyone would have told me I would miss my kids I would have told them they were crazy! There are days I really and truthfully do.... and then there are days when I'd really love to throttle them all.... today was a day that only one would have gotten throttled.... at about 4 am when she woke me up trying to get on the computer that she broke!!!! she couldn't understand why it was password protected so she couldn't get online for started... ummm lets see... I can count about 150 of them.... they are called viruses, malware, adware, and trojans.... but she doesn't go anywhere that she can get them... even tho the history on her account says otherwise! go figure.... anyone that can prove to me that all blonde aren't this dumb plz stand up!!! sorry, I'm not dumbing down anyone... this one just doesn't have any common sense and doesn't listen to anyone... she thinks she is always right... if you told her the earth was round she'd be determined to prove to you it was a rectangle and made of ice cream! :D HONESTLY!

I can honestly say that I don't suffer most days from empty nest syndrome... how can I? they are either here asking me to do their laundry, to baby sit or use the computer! its not like they don't have instant messenger of one sort or another on their cell phones.... or have access to the library... its the fact that they think everyone stays up all night like them... not!!! at least not this household... life is too short to miss the daytime! I have too many other things in life I'd much rather enjoy than seeing the darkness!

I've been printing pp patterns off left and right, got a few blocks completed, a few pieces of fabric cut, working on spring cleaning, and laundry something that is a never ending process here, if its not ours its theirs.. or fabric of course.... which I was almost as much as our laundry... great thing to have to clean! well guess I'd best get back to working, I want to work on the quilt that I'm hand quilting since I've not had much chance to piece anything today...

hope everyone has had a great beginning of the week, I know some have had rain and snow, I know its been nasty!

1 comment:

His Office, My Studio said...

Hi, I stopped by from the link in your posting on PickleRoadStudio.

I love when the house is quiet then I start missing the kids, and wish they were home.